We had an extra day after our long cross country tour so we decided to go sightseeing – Farrukh of Advantours recommended this location and his arrangements, as usual, were perfect. Chimgan is the most popular ski resort of Uzbekistan, located 80 km from Tashkent on slopes of Chimgan Mountains which are the part of Chatkal range of western Tian-Shan.
The Valley of Chimgan is at a height of 1200-1600 metres above sea level and is surrounded with mountains. Greater Chimgan Mountain at a height of 3309 metres is the main peak of the valley and towers above the entire valley.
Chimgan Mountains include such beauty spots as Gulkam, Beldersay and others.
In addition this district is the most ecological part of Uzbekistan as its part of Ugam-Chatkal National Park, covering various mountain landscapes of western Tian-Shan.

drive takes 90 minutes over an excellent road from Tashkent and is approx 230
kms from centre of town return. For its beauty
and health-improving properties Chimgan is called "Uzbek
Switzerland". Slopes of mountains are covered with relict fir-tree woods.
Mountains and hills are indented by mountain rivers, which people call
"sai". There is the fresh and pure air with fragrance of numerous
flowers and herbals - the word “Chimgan” or “Chim yon” is translated as “green
grass”, “green valley”.
stop at the Charvak water reservoir. Charvak is a huge
artificial lake - a reservoir surrounded by green slopes of the mountains which
are crowned with snow caps.The lake is formed by Charvak HPS dam. The lake is fed by the waters of three
mountain rivers - Ugam, Chatkal and Pskem.
Many centuries ago
this man-made sea was flooded. Traces of ancient settlements, fortresses,
burial mounds, prehistoric man, etc can
be still found here. In total, more than 150 monuments of ancient culture have
been found here. In ancient
times, the roads that connected Tashkent oasis with Kyrgyzstan and
Ferghana run here.
Today Charvak lake
is a favorite for summer holidays for the residents of Tashkent. The lake has
become a resort. Around the lake, right on the mountain slopes there is a ring
road along which various recreation areas and children's camps are located.
They are located near the villages Bogustan, Brichmulla, Yangikurgan, Yusuphana
The main inflow of tourists into this place is in winter and spring. In winter this area is most popular with admirers of winter sports: downhill skiing, toboggan, snowboarding, free-ride. The ski season starts in December and lasts until March.
Spring is the time of alpinists, rock climbers, and sky surfers.
In summer Chimgan has interesting itineraries along mountain landscapes, eg fly
on paraglider, to ride horses. Besides it Chimgan Mountains attract tourists who
love nature with its apple-tree and fir-tree forests, barberry and dog rose
bushes, tumultuous rivers, beautiful lakes and waterfalls.

There are many high-rise
buildings, hotels, cottages, cable rail road, network of shops, bars,
restaurants and cafe and other recreation institutions such as recreation
zones, sanatoriums, summer camps in this area.

Text and photographs copyright of the author. No part of this article or photographs maybe transmitted or reproduced by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without written permission. Do contact the author on email -- helpthesun@gmail.com
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Text and photographs are copyright of the author. No part of any article or photographs maybe transmitted or reproduced by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without written permission. Do contact the author on email -- helpthesun@gmail.com